Cliff Letts |
Firstly, “A Rhythm My Tic”
is not only the name of this blog but it is also a description of my strangely
driven condition. Having written over a thousand rhymes on a previous blog
called Ropey Rhyme together with over a hundred rhymes here it suddenly dawned on me that I might have some sort of
rhyme fixation like a brain spasm or Tic perhaps? If it is so, I felt there
might be a Psycho/medical name for it. On trawling the internet I found the informative site Uncyclopedia": LINK who sensitively describe it as O C R D Obsessive
Compulsive Rhyme Disorder.
Whilst proclaiming OCRD I might at least get forgiveness and understanding for my dilemma however, I feel more sympathy might be forthcoming by naming my condition as Rhymeatism.
Let me make it clear that I have no idea how this affliction took hold of me you could say it started with a hiss when I wrote that rhyme The Night Of The Meagle . Whilst some of my posts may give an impression of poetic aspiration I do not consider myself a poet. Nevertheless, these rhymes do not write themselves every rhyming couplet is contrived although not always meaningful. For instance:
Peaceful in a cubbyhole
Imagining a peephole
To see inside a black hole
Discovering a porthole
A way out through a keyhole
Take care around the loophole
Shunning comfort in a bolthole
Or endure in every borehole
Funny thing about rhyming is the way the english language seems perfectly designed for rhyme. A good example is in my post The Heinous Rhyme This cautionary tale warns as follows
Misconceptions risky phrases
Paragraphs offending senses
Causing wicked vacant gazes
Paragraphs offending senses
Causing wicked vacant gazes
I do hope you enjoyed your visit and please feel free to return whenever the fancy takes you. Who knows you may catch rhymeattic fever that is if you haven't already.
©Rhymeatism Rhymeattic Fever words created
by Clifford Kenneth Letts 9th May 2017 whilst writing about his obsession
with rhyme
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