Thursday, 31 August 2017

Apple Blossom Rhymes

Link to a beautiful Sarstedt poem

Those letters that I wrote you
That read the words I never said
About the times we spent together
Things we could have done instead

Recalling dreams of living easy
The sound of songs we made our own
With all the living possibilities
On many roads we shared alone

Walking high roads and the low roads
Climbing rugged mountain slopes
Taking weather as it always is
Wherever next that kept our hopes

Leaving remnants of our story line
In the orchards of our days
Written in the minds of left behinds
Who shared our long hot summer days

Many well meant conversations
Every wistful heartfelt sigh
Driven on by hopes of no regrets
To write that final line goodbye

Remembering Peter Sarstedt's lovely Valentine song

"Oh the play goes on,
But the meaning's gone
And it looks as though we're running out of endings.
And the maddening thing is,
That while everybody worries ;

No one seems to do a thing about it."

Saturday, 26 August 2017

Eye to Eye With DIY

Hannah & Max and their DIY Hacks

If you like ‘I’ like DIY
Climbing steps and multi-tasking
Doing right you screw things tight
At wife’s first time of asking

You’ll need those bits and pieces
Close by within your reach
In position for precision
Rolls Royce finish, what a peach

Don’t tackle jobs half hearted
Get the gear at standby ready
Up you go not fast not slow
Done and dusted nice and steady

No need to fuss, drip sweat or cuss
When you can’t find where it is
Use your loaf prepare your ladder
Make your DIY chores fizz

Friday, 25 August 2017

All Tied Up And Ready To Go

How to tie the new school tie
Not near as hard as tying laces
But a skill it is and fun to learn
The roundabouts and tunnel spaces

Hold the wide end too the right
Hold the tail end left and still
Throw the right end left of shoulder
Complete full circle fits the bill

Then up and through the tunnel
Between your neck and tie
Underneath the knotty bridge
That’s it all done must fly

Kids all over will start new schools and will to need wear a tie. Check out the link below.

Wednesday, 23 August 2017

Flight of Fancy

The paradox of archery is
A wobble straight and true
Bear in mind the nodal points
And why bend works out for you

To hit a target perfectly
Depends upon the snake and strain
And bending weight of arrow shank
To compensate the loss of gain

The Bow and Arrow is a tidy shot
You’ll find your target practice rocks
A bulls-eye bender focus sender
With each way balanced paradox

Sunday, 20 August 2017

Percy's Pin Money

Hearing seeing making sense
Below the surface of our will
Multitudes of vital signs
Hidden strings of living skill
Learning this absorbing that
Adding new roads to the old
Strange events and conversations
Enjoying stories often told
Amazing brains beyond belief
Such liveliness within
Unless when dining out one night
You have no memory of your pin
A card that holds your key to wealth
Has shut you down no entry in
Your random access memory now
Denies it ever knew your pin
Perhaps that virus flu last year
Left some malware up your snout
Attacking your ability
For drawing any money out
Experts say it’s down to stress
A game of cards one cannot win
In a world of virtual everything
You don’t exist without your pin

If you have ever suffered 'Pin Amnesia' then click here

Friday, 18 August 2017

A Hero From Hull

Surrounded in the mountain pass
Ambushed by so many trials
Yet making schemes and action plans
To ride on paths and conquer miles

To stare defiantly at crooked fate
Demanding battles free of truce
Fly the flag of stern defiance
Seek not respite nor weak excuse

For the hero in the raging swell
No turning back on bridges burned
On the oneway road of fearlessness
A bugle’s ‘Last Post’ ever spurned

One last echo near a quiet stream
A cloak of flags a soft salute
One last word determination
Firm resolve without dispute

Thursday, 17 August 2017

Looking Back On Greatness

America’s wealth America’s dream
Made of money-minded winners
Who in their wealthy way of much
Demean the destitute as sinners

Someone stole America
We need to place some blame
A country built on backs of slaves
Who now in freedom stake their claim

How dare those uppity others
Proclaim their Rights of Man
Clearly not from round these parts
Among the Right White Ku Klux Klan

Stolen people clamped in chains
Beaten whipped and stripped
Sold off like herds in cattle trades
A hopeless human cargo shipped

Strange fruits of freedom granted
With scant protection from the law
Deprived of  basic dignity
Hanging lifeless they implore
This nation built from everywhere
A continent of human soil
Land rush gold rush piles of meat
Overfilled with spoils of oil

What is it with a murderous mind
Who can hate with all their heart
The people whose lives they wrecked
Segregated kept apart

Apart from massive wealth abundant resources and some of the most intelligent people on the planet, how else will America be great again?

Wednesday, 16 August 2017

If I May Say So

Story Link

Are people starting sentences with "so" more frequently
than ever or are we just noticing it more?
Leigh Wells/Ikon  Images/Getty Images

So! This is what I want to say
So! Much impact using so
So! Listen up ‘So!’ is my cue
So! That you know I’m in the know

So! When I’m being interviewed
So! To speak when on the spot
So! To underline the point I make
So! There you are that’s all I’ve got

Tuesday, 15 August 2017

Look Out!

Everything is changing fast
In the space of clicks and likes
Mind control in overdrive
Your hits and views and strikes

Beware of what you put about
Giving far too much for free
They’re cyber tracking all opinions
We  are their targets you and me

Tailor making food for thought
Pokes and nudges made to measure
Helping you to see their way
They have the low down on your leisure

Where you are and who you’re with
What is on your selfie plate
Your essentials prone’s and partials
Mesmerised in dreamlike state

Puffing up your self important need
To be something else among the crowd
Chasing fame to leave you stripped and lame
Whilst others watch and laugh out loud

Those clever minded psychopaths
Have a thirst to lay you bare
To steal your wish to feed their dish
And leave you desperate in despair

Something in the air and it isn't coffee
If you don't believe me look at the President of the United States #Stolengoods 
STORY LINK BBC Secrets of Silicone Valley

Thursday, 10 August 2017

In Real Time Only

Good day Friday morning
A sense of progress in the air
Closing out those weekdays
To swap monotony with flair

Travel chains have fallen off
As we leap the weekend gate
Indulging time out reveries
On cloudless thoughts we levitate

Time to drop the clutter box
Put the phone in airplane mode
Be real with those who really feel
And hit the weekend open road

Tuesday, 8 August 2017

The UK Corral

Politicians sing one-sided songs
To serenade the wishing well
Catching pennies floating down
Where the drowning pledges dwell

Tomorrow is another day
For scrubbing old slates sparkling fresh
As rent-a-crowd’s ecstatic cheers
Rattle bones of absent flesh

Calling on the ghosts of chances
To strain a melody worth flaunting
With a clutch of artificial eggs
From where it’s said a goose is haunting

Jack Horner left a vacant space
A corner shop once full of plums
To gather dust in a mine of rust
Where no one waves with upright thumbs


"Jeremy Hunt is to dramatically expand the number of ‘home-grown’ doctors in a bid to replace overseas medics in the wake of Brexit." Huff Post Link

Monday, 7 August 2017

Make Your Mind Up

Story Link  

Apparently the mind within
Exists on many planes
Somehow being who we are
On all sides of our brains

In two minds we often say
Playing havoc with decisions
Internally a shouting match
Of dramaturgical auditions

Performing casts of many parts
A changing room of changes
Sporting cloaks in character
As each new scene rearranges

Who am I to say which way to play
As if portraying lines at will
Where knowing you and being me
Behind the scenes our time to kill

Sunday, 6 August 2017


Let me put it this way
Make it clear beyond a doubt
That what will suit you best today
Are many ways to loudly shout
Our method will improve your scheme
Provide return endorse your name
Send you out into the world apart
Make you winners of your game
Outline the essence of your excellence
Make your offer shine a light
Where must haves must be had from you
A blazing glaze of copy-write

Saturday, 5 August 2017

The Tipsy Flamingo

Based in Buckinghamshire

Serve me a drink in a cut glass cup
A liquid picture painted
To be with me to share with friends
Meet with those not yet acquainted

A magic mix of colourful tricks
Stirring tasteful rich sensation
Delicate sips on sensual lips
Poured over sweet imagination